3 Quotes & Sayings By Victoria Matthews

Victoria Matthews has been a children's book author and illustrator for more than a decade. She received a Certificate in Children's Book Illustration from the Ontario College of Art in 2003. Her books include the "Peanut Butter and Jam" series, "Peanut Butter and Jelly," and "The Extraordinary Adventures of Tupac." She lives in Toronto.

This drama was based on the true story of Constance Jeanne Sammarco, who, in 2012, was a 62-year-old, senior Caucasian teacher who was employed at Fairmont Heights High School, a 99% African American public school. She was charged with teacher incompetence by her Principal, Nakia Nicholson, who was an African American, and took leadership of the school when she was 35- years- old. In 2014, the 99% African American School Board of Prince George’s County in Maryland, officially fired Constance Jeanne Sammarco, an advanced placement teacher, and declared her an incompetent teacher. Victoria Matthews
People write books because of injustices. Victoria Matthews